Integrative Psychiatry

Integrative Psychiatry

Integrative Psychiatry uses the mind, body, and lifestyle immersed in Neuroscience to treat mental illness

Integrative Psychiatry is dedicated to providing compassionate treatment and care for the whole person. Mental illness has many causes and manifests itself in different ways for different people. Integrative Psychiatry uses the mind, body, and lifestyle approach in treating mental illness.

Integrative Psychiatry is applied Neuroscience and Interventional Psychiatry designed to work with patients to address multiple aspects of their lives. Mental illness requires more than just medication to manage symptoms; instead, patients benefit when their doctor helps them to unlock and overcome both carried distress and the effects it can have on more than just the mind.

The discipline treats the body through selective medication, neutraceuticals, and research based care pathways.

The discipline treats the body through selective medication, functional medicine, and research-based care pathways. It treats the mind by utilizing by maximizing biological function and addressing and resolving trauma. Finally, it seeks to improve resilience through nutritional guidance, addressing connectedness in patients' lives, and aids them in developing practical emotional tools. Integrative Psychiatry's approach moves beyond merely treating symptoms - our goal is to address and resolve the drivers of distress and carried pain.

Integrative Psychiatry is intended to do more than help you manage your symptoms. It is designed to help you live a complete, healthy, fulfilling life.

Dr. Pooler will collaborate with you to identify potential factors and contributors to your mental health. This collaboration may include discussions, blood work, quantative-EEG analysis, immune system activation (stress) evaluation, and validated survey assessment, to name a few. The results of these tests and discussions will help to formulate your specific treatment plan.

Integrative Psychiatry is intended to do more than help you manage your symptoms. It is designed to help you gain and keep access to the upside.

Dr. Pooler sees patients for Integrative Psychiatry. Please click the button below to schedule an appointment or call our office at 423.680.6030.

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